-> 2007 ->

Waiting For The Boat To Jura?
Sometimes you find a picture on the web where you don't really know much background to, yet you find it strangely interesting and thought inspiring. It's a picture of three people standing on a shore, overlooking a sound with a boat on it. Thing is, the sound is the Sound of Islay. And I think I know one of the persons waiting for the boat to Jura.
I can't be certain, but I think the man on the picture standing in the middle is Jack Adamson, gamekeeper at Islay Estate. I've been on two walks with him, around Islay House and Bridgend in 2004 and out to Bholsa and Rhuvaal in 2006.
He and his companions are wearing outdoor or hunting clothes, it looks like they could be waiting for the boat to take them over the Sound of Islay to the Isle of Jura. Possibly for some hunting, or may be just for a deer count (not sure if counts take place at that time of year, hunts certainly do). Or are they just watching what their colleagues are doing on the boat? The scene also looks quite calm and peaceful to me, relaxed. Whatever they were doing, it certainly got my imagination going...
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