-> 2009 -> Bowmore ‘Wild Places’ Picture Competition

Monday, 03/Aug/2009

Bowmore ‘Wild Places’ Picture Competition

Islay Whisky News & Links in stencil

There are quite a few ‘Wild Places’ in the world, I'd argue Islay (and neighbouring Jura) have quite a few of them. I'm not sure if that's what Bowmore had in mind when they posted this tweet earlier today. There weren't any further details on the Bowmore Distillery (bowmore1779) on Twitter account, so I did a bit of digging. Knowing that there was a Bowmore Distillery Facebook account I gave that a try and was lucky:

The rules seem to be rather vague and open, but some further details and the first submissions can be found in this wall posting and comment thread. Just for the fun of it I've posted links to two of my pictures, these two: Bowmore Across Loch Indaal, Isle of Islay and also Wild Seas at Saligo Bay, Isle of Islay.

As I said the rules seem to be rather vague and open (no idea what the closing date is…), but why not post a few links to some ‘Wild Places’ pictures, be it on Islay or elsewhere?

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