-> 2010 -> Friday Islay Picture #142 - Shore Street Portnahaven

Dihaoine, 26/Feb/2010

Friday Islay Picture #142 - Shore Street Portnahaven

Friday Islay Picture in stencil

That's a rather busy week finally over. Quite tired now, but can't just leave you without the Friday Islay picture hopefully at least some will have been waiting for. This evening I've kind of picked a ‘topical’ picture, there's is something in the picture which plays a role in something I plan to point out later in this entry. Here is Shore Street in Portnahaven on the Rinns (or Rhinns if you prefer) of Islay:

Picture of a street along a bay in a coastal village

I took this picture in 2007 and while I can't be certain I'm fairly sure we visited the building in question a few minutes before I took the picture. The Post Office.

Said post office receives a few mentions in The Generation Gap - Postal Workers, where Alistair Redman and Elizabeth Stuart from Islay take part in The Generation Gap (with thanks to the Shona (@spentrails on Twitter) who first pointed it out to me. Also thanks to Krysia (@krysiaS on Twitter) who came second). A very interesting programme, as is the whole series actually.

Of course I will post a larger version (larger as in more than twice as big) on the Islay Pictures photoblog on Saturday morning. Until then I will enjoy a well deserved Laphroaig QC and get some sleep. Good night!

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