-> 2010 -> Islay Lifeboat in Action Videos

Diardaoin, 16/Sep/2010

Islay Lifeboat in Action Videos

Islay on Video written in stencil

Earlier this evening Ron reposted a report from the Ileach, Islay's local newspaper: Islay lifeboat to the rescue. What he didn't mention is that there are a few new videos of the Islay lifeboat in action on dunc7785's YouTube account, I believe from the rescue of the ‘Keristrum’. The first one I've picked shows the lifeboat on the way:

YouTube: islay lifeboat

The second video shows the Islay lifeboat towing a fishing boat, I believe this could be the ‘Keristrum’. Even if it isn't, I think it gives a good impression of a fishing boat being towed by a lifeboat.

YouTube: 29082010005

For further videos of the Islay lifeboat check the dunc7785 account. They aren't high quality and also mostly quite short, but give a good enough impression I think. Most of the time he'll be too busy doing other things than filming anyway (or the weather too rough).

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