-> 2010 -> New Port Charlotte at Night Panorama, Islay

Diciadain, 10/Nov/2010

New Port Charlotte at Night Panorama, Islay

Islay Pictures in stencil

There are a few things I like to do during every single one of my visits to Islay, places I just have to visit. One of them is Machir Bay (which I usually cover daily with my morning run), another one is to stand on Port Charlotte pier. During my last visit I briefly walked out on to the pier between a meal at the The Port Charlotte Hotel and a talk at the Islay Natural History Trust. While at the pier I thought I'd try taking pictures for a panorama, when processing them the first attempt looked rather psychedelic:

Picture of a panoramic view over a coastal village in incorrect colours

For a better view you can also try a larger version of the psychedelic Port Charlotte panorama. My second attempt provided me some more natural looking colours (and a view I remembered seeing), here's a preview:

Picture of a panoramic view over a coastal village at night, shown in correct colours

Of course the picture above is only a rather tiny preview, for a much better view I can offer you a few more options: For a quick view and if you don't have Quicktime installed on your computer try the larger version of the normal Port Charlotte panorama, this version is four times as big as the preview above. But of course there's more, even bigger is the Quicktime VR panorama of Port Charlotte at night, seen from the pier. With that you can zoom in and out and move around in the panorama.

I hope you enjoy the panoramas and they give you at least a bit of the magic of Port Charlotte pier and Islay at night.

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