-> 2010 -> Friday Islay (Snow) Picture(s) #177 - Port Ellen Snow

Dihaoine, 17/Dec/2010

Friday Islay (Snow) Picture(s) #177 - Port Ellen Snow

Friday Islay Picture in stencil

Slight dilemma this evening. Yesterday an entry titled 10 appeared on the Bruichladdich Blog. Ten years ago today the acquisition of Bruichladdich distillery was completed, so I thought I make this a Bruichladdich picture day, starting with one of my most recent pictures this morning, Bruichladdich Distillery on a rainy October day. The plan was to follow up with one of my oldest pictures of the distillery this evening…

Picture of distillery buildings at Bruichladdich, one without a roof

To show the difference I had planned to post and write about a picture of a roofless building at the distillery back in 2001. Then the snow returned to Islay with a vengeance, and you'll only get the small version on the left now. Ron has posted a few pictures from today already, Snow on Islay and Snow Images from Bowmore Islay by The Ileach, as has the INHT blog in Snow. But I think the pictures sent by a friend on Islay I found in my inbox when I finished work are the best I've seen of the snow today. OK, OK, I'm probably a bit biased, but still…

Picture of an island village in the snow

Above a view of a snowy Port Ellen looking towards the pier from the green near the Co-op. However, my favourite view is of a white Frederick Crescent. It doesn't really come out in the small size I can fit in here, so here's a much larger version of Frederick Crescent in the snow today.

Picture of Frederick Crescent in Port Ellen, Islay, in the snow

Of course there wasn't only snow in Port Ellen (as you will already have seen from Ron's and the INHT's pictures) so as a bonus picture here's one of a blizzard in Bowmore at around 2pm today:

Picture of a heavy snowshower over a village main street (Bowmore, Islay)

That's all for today, I think that's enough of a treat in any case. I'll still post the Bruichladdich picture to the Islay Pictures photoblog tomorrow. Now it's time for a wee dram of Islay single malt, while we haven't had any snow down here in Aldermaston Wharf yet it is rather cold. Have a great weekend, with or without snow!

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