-> 2011 -> Islay Wave Power Machine Video

Diluain, 28/Feb/2011

Islay Wave Power Machine Video

Islay on Video written in stencil

Yesterday James Deane in his It’s a Camera Day entry posted a wonderful picture of waves coming into the beach at Currie Sands. Carl Reavey had the same idea and posted a few of his pictures in Rhinns Lighthouse and Mackenzie Island today. Those two together reminded me of a video I came across a few days ago, showing more waves in the area as well as the Wavegen Limpet wave power station:

WaveGen Limpet on Islay from 4c Design on Vimeo.

The video is fairly short, but I think creates a good impression of the station and the enthusiasm of the presenter (sorry, don't know his name). At the same time it also highlights one of the potential problem of such installations, the noise. I've heard that under certain conditions the noise of the wind in the tunnel or the turbine (not entirely sure) can be quite annoying for the people living in the vicinity. May be that's something 4c Design can help to reduce or even eliminate?

Either way, both the pictures and the video are a good reminder of the awesome power of the waves and the sea on Islay. I hope you like them.

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