-> 2011 -> Video of a Windy Day in Machir Bay, Islay

Disathairne, 05/Nov/2011

Video of a Windy Day in Machir Bay, Islay

Islay on Video written in stencil

From the starry night in Machir Bay over to a windy day in the same place. It's quite often windy on Islay's beaches, which doesn't make it easy to film because of the wind noise. On the other hand I feel it's right to have some wind noise in the video, after all we hear something when we're on a windy Islay beach as well (unless we shut out the world with headphones and an mp3 player, which I never do). With that over to today's video of a windy day in Machir Bay:

YouTube: A windy day in Islay (Full HD)

I just love the patterns of the windblown sand on the beach, the ever changing patterns and movements. It's as if the beach has come alive.

I hope you'll enjoy the video as well as the sounds of the wind.

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