-> 2011 ->
Dimàirt, 06/Dec/2011
I'Anson Power Cut Music Preview from Jura
From what I've heard there have been a number of power cuts on Islay over the last few days, I assume Jura won't have been much different. For the first time it might feel ‘romantic’, but I think the novelty wears off quickly (and it can become costly quickly, e.g. if you have to throw away a lot of half prepared food in a restaurant). Still, a power cut on Jura has given us this evening's music and video:
YouTube: I'Anson: Power Cut Preview
I have a very vague memory (or may be I'm imagining it?) of someone mentioning a recording studio in Jura, I'm wondering if this is it? The artist here is Hugh Carswell, who has rebuilt the old family cottage on Jura and created a recording studio to record his music as I'Anson. You can find out more on the official I'Anson website, the I'Anson Facebook page and also follow @ianson on Twitter.
There are a few more video on his YouTube account, some of which I intend to return to later. For now I hope you'll enjoy the preview video.
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