-> 2011 -> Charlotte Hannett's Islay Inspired Jewellery

Diardaoin, 15/Dec/2011

Charlotte Hannett's Islay Inspired Jewellery

Islay Links in stencil

It might be too late for Christmas now (at least for a commission), but then again there will be other opportunities or she might still be able to fit it in. I've had the links in my bookmarks for far too long now, so I thought I better blog it now. While Charlotte doesn't live on Islay any more (I believe she's just moved to Glasgow from Edinburgh) she was born on Islay and her work is inspired by Islay's landscape and wildlife:

Screenshot of jewellery in an online shop

I'm not going to copy what she has to say about her work, instead I'm going to send you to her various places on the web where you can read more about her and her work:

I hope you'll like Charlotte's work, my be it will remind you of Islay?

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