—> 2012 —> Ardbeg Islay Single Malt Animation

Diluain, 27/Feb/2012

Ardbeg Islay Single Malt Animation

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Something a little bit older today, as the video I found today was uploaded about two years ago. I'm not sure when it was created, it might have been created even earlier. It tells the story of the revival of Islay's Ardbeg distillery and how it was marketed in the early years in form of a nicely done animation:

Ardbeg animation for Eatbigfish from georgia craib on Vimeo.

I quite like the video, it's different than most of those type of videos. It nicely tells a story with an interesting use of animation. And before someone points out the mistake in the video, there are some far worse cases of that around. So there.

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