—> 2012 —> Switching Off with Bear Bones

Disathairne, 03/Mar/2012

Switching Off with Bear Bones

Islay Music in stencil

It's been a while since I last had something from Bear Bones with Islay native lead singer Ben Harrison I think (if I'm not mistaken it was in December). I hope that they are quiet is a sing of a secret recording in the making… Anyway, came across a recording (can't really call it a video) of one of their songs today:

YouTube: Switching Off - Bear Bones

Related to this song I came across an American photography. fiction. music. essays. poetry. art. website (founded by a Scot), which has a great review of Bear Bones and two of their songs (including this one). And with that I'm going to do exactly that, I think, switching off. Good night!

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