—> 2012 —>

Diardaoin, 08/Mar/2012
Three Islay News Links

Another long day in the office, so sorry it's rather late again for today's entry. I decided to post three links to Islay related news this evening. Earthquakes, a new boat and the need to find a doctor for Islay. I hope at least one of them will be of interest for you:
Many will be aware of the many earthquakes which hit Islay in February. Another one hit in March already, with a good chance there might be more to come. For those interested in some background and further details the British Geological Survey has pulled together a report about the Islay Earthquakes February 2012, some good maps showing the locations can also be found in the report.
Some of you might have already enjoyed the products of Islay Crab Exports. They have just bought a new scallop trawler from Macduff, if you're into fishing boats you can read all about it in the Worldfishing report.
As many will be aware there is currently a vacancy for a doctor on Islay the NHS hasn't been able to fill so far. After reading the ad the community council ran in the British Medical Journal the Scottish Sun decided to send her own undercover investigator / doctor: Dear doctors… this practice is perfect. Fingers crossed a real doctor agrees with this diagnosis soon!
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