—> 2012 —>
Diluain, 19/Mar/2012
New Islay Video: Landboarding in Machir Bay
Having already mentioned it in various places yesterday I thought I better give it an ‘official’ mention on the blog as well. Unfortunately about four month late for various reasons I've finally finished another Islay video. Here it is, seven minutes of action in Machir Bay:
YouTube: Landboarding in Machir Bay, Isle of Islay
The footage for this video is from two occasions where I watched and filmed the rider in October 2011. The first view I had of him was actually just the kite above the dunes as I was approaching the beach, an interesting view in itself. Once on the beach I watched, filmed and took pictures for about an hour each time, the video above is the result of going through a lot of clips and keeping the best ones before pulling together what you can see above. In case anyone is interested, I filmed this with a Nikon Coolpix P7000 and the ME-1 external microphone (unfortunately without a good windjammer). Considering its limitations I'm quite happy with the results.
For some background, kite landboarding is a comparably young sport, based on kitesurfing. While not as popular as e.g. Tiree I believe Islay is slowly but surely gaining a good reputation with kitesurfers. With the Big Strand (provided you stay well clear of the airport!) and Machir Bay on offer may be also landboarders will discover Islay more and more? I certainly enjoyed watching it and hope to see more.
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