—> 2012 —>

Diluain, 07/May/2012
New Islay Panorama, Southern Skerries

Time for a shameless plug again. While I didn't make as much progress on the Islay video I'm working on as I had hoped I did complete something else. I quite like panoramas for the wide view of an area they can provide, especially when the view is like the one we had on the south coast of Islay during WalkIslay 2012 in April:

As usual the far too small preview above doesn't do it justice. No, for the real thing you want to go to the panorama of a view over the skerries on the south coast of Islay, to be found in my More 180° Quicktime VR Islay panoramas collection. On a sunny day like we had it during our walk I think this must be one of the best views on Islay.
I hope you'll enjoy the panorama and it at least gives you an idea of the view (the real thing is still much better).
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