—> 2012 —> Friday Saturday Islay Picture #244 - Port Ghille Greamhair

Disathairne, 07/Jul/2012

Friday Saturday Islay Picture #244 - Port Ghille Greamhair

Friday Islay Picture in stencil

Last night a close to 60 hour week finally caught up with me. While I did manage to pick and prepare the picture I didn't manage to post a Friday Islay picture any more. Too tired. But now it's the weekend. Time to catch up on sleep and stuff. As I had prepared the picture I thought I might as well post it as a Saturday Islay picture:

Picture of a small beach hidden between steep cliffs

This is one of my favourite hidden beaches on Islay, Port Ghille Greamhair just north west of Sanaigmore. I don't think I've ever seen anyone on it, but then again it's slightly tricky to get to it as there is usually cattle in the field you have to avoid.

As it's already Saturday evening I've already posted the larger version to the Islay Pictures photoblog, it's at Port Ghille Greamhair, Isle of Islay. Enjoy the rest of weekend!

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