—> 2012 —>
Diluain, 20/Aug/2012
New Golf Course on Jura?
Time for another excursion across the Sound of Islay to Islay's neighbour Jura. While it seems final approval hasn't been given yet it looks like Islay's Machrie Golf Links might soon get competition (or be complemented, depends on the point of view of course) from a new golf course on Jura:
Yesterday I came across a blog entry on PerryGolf by Alastair Niven titled New Course Planned on Jura. Alastair is very much looking forward to the planned golf course, he linked to a report on Golf Course Architecture, New course plan for Scottish island, which also has a concept plan and a few pictures. The course is planned for the Ardfin Estate recently bought by Australian hedge fund manager Greg Coffey. It will be on the south east coast of Jura, this view might soon be enjoyed by the golfers:
The picture above is from a walk I did with my sister in June 2010. We visited the then still open Jura House Gardens and walked along the shore back to the ferry. I wonder what this will mean for the now sadly closed Jura House Garden and generally walking in the area. Will it be opened for the general public again or will it be off limits and only accessible to the golfers?
Back to the planned golf course, after a quick search I also found the website of Harrison Golf, the company of Australian golf course designer Bob Harrison. In the news section we find their announcement about the project: Bob Harrison unveils plans for a new golf course on the Scottish island of Jura.
Certainly a project to watch…
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