—> 2012 —>

Didòmhnaich, 21/Oct/2012
Islay Blogging Roundup #227

Sunday evening after a mostly grey weekend in West Berkshire, although there was a quite spectacular sunset on Saturday evening. It's been a busy weekend, getting new tyres for the car, booking ferry tickets for my visit of the Islay Sessions in November and various other errands. There was still time for a wee dram though as well as this weekend's baking. Now it's time to catch up on the Islay (and Jura and Colonsay and Gigha) mentions in the blogs this week:
Islay choirs and musicians were very successful at the National Mod in Dunoon, including Alasdair takes home Mod trophy to Islay and Port Ellen Primary Gaelic Choir Success at National Mod. On the Our Learning Blog of Port Ellen Primary we can read more in Mod by Annie. There were also More 100 Word Challenge Posts!, including The Man that Forgot, The Death of the Hobo's Fire and Bob The Penguin And The Adventures Of The Frozen South Pole. Kind of related the Islay History blog brings us Tales and Travels of a School Inspector.
Rachel announces the Islay Whisky Festival 2013 ~ Managers Dinner and writes about Two Drams. Jason Julier has now passed Laphroaig: Distillery Tour on his journey around the Islay distilleries and finally reached Bowmore: Distillery Tour. The GrapeScot writes about Bunnahabhain - crazy roads, rustic stills, great whisky and Kilchoman - the little distillery that could. Amy Zavatto brings us Where There's Smoke, There's Scotch: Making Whisky in Islay, Scotland. Sozumi just calls Islay Whisky Island!
Ecosse and Beyond is looking back at a visit to Islay in 8th June: Islay, 10th June: Islay–Portnahaven & Kilchoman, 11th June, Monday: Killinallan wildlife walk, 12th June: Islay–Port Charlotte museum & Mull of Oa, 13th June (Wednesday)–Trip to Colonsay, 14th June, 15th June and finally 16th June Last day on Islay. Ron writes about his recent visit in Islay Autumn Visit Impressions and Islay Autumn Visit Impressions Part 2.
I've mentioned parts one and two already, this week Pete Ward wrote COMING UP FOR AIR TOO – COMMUNING WITH ORWELL (PART THREE/FINAL PART) about his stay at Barnhill on Jura. On Ron's Jura blog we find The Long Road to Barnhill and Corryvreckan. A Scots lawyer writes #notlandreformnews covering the community store and a stag weekend on Jura. In All the Gigha, no idea! Chris writes about him and friends sailing around Gigha in their canoes. From Colonsay the colonsaycroftess writes about A pound of flesh and Our daily bread.
An Irish blog has interesting thoughts about an old boat in Port Ellen. Pamela has found A bonnie description of Islay. The Islay Energy Trust writes about the Sound of Islay Lobster V-Notching Scheme. From the Islay and Jura Timebank comes the announcement of the next Timebank stroll.
Let's start the birdwatching with the Islay Birds blog and some breaking news of a Red breasted Goose. Earlier in the week we had a picture of a Snow Bunting and a bumper edition thanks to visiting birders. John Armitage writes about An island tour! 19.10.2012.. The Islay Natural History Trust Blog has Two moths, some Lawyers wigs - (Coprinus comatus) and Barnacle geese - Bridgend Merse. Andrew Harrop is impressed by Islay in autumn.
The pictures: Ron has a Port Ellen Panorama Picture from the Oa and an Islay Rainbow while Mark Unsworth's Image of the week is of tracks in a recently harvested field. There are also a few pictures on the INHT blog, including The Strand this evening and Sunset at Saligo - yesterday. From my own Islay Pictures photoblog I've picked Stormy Saligo Bay in October 2010, Puddles on the Beach in Machir Bay and Soldier's Rock and the Cliffs Panorama, Isle of Islay.
And that's all for this week once I've mentioned the Scottish Roundup with this week's An Eclectic Mix! for the bigger picture. Good night!
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