—> 2012 —>

Didòmhnaich, 23/Dec/2012
Islay Blogging Roundup #234

Not the last Islay blogging roundup for the year, but the last one before Christmas. After all it's Christmas evening tomorrow. Many of you will have taken the day off (I'm working), but if you need a break from the Christmas preparation or are exhausted from the last minute Christmas shopping here are a few Islay, Jura, Gigha or Colonsay related blog entries for you:
Lee visited for a Magical Sea Kayaking Destination - Islay, enjoying both the kayaking and the hospitality. I knew Leo was going to visit Islay as he mentioned that he was on his way in 5DayTrip, if you understand German you can read about his visit in Islay 1/2 and Islay 2/2 (if you don't understand German you can still look at the pictures). Visitors from the Croick Estate visited for an Islay woodcock shoot at Islay Estates. Also Frank and Wilco went to Islay.
I suspect quite a few of you will enjoy the odd wee dram of Islay single malt over Christmas. TheScotchlife tasted the Bruichladdich Port Charlotte PC10 Islay Single Malt Scotch Whisky and A Dram Good Time was had with the Lagavulin 16 Year Old Review and the Bunnahabhain 30 Year Old Review (A.D. Rattray 1978). Combining the whisky with chocolate is Rebecca, who has made Chocolate and Whisky Truffles with a Bruichladdich Ten.
Ron is away in Germany but still brings us Christmas Church Services on Islay and wishes a Merry Christmas Everyone. The Islay and Jura Timebank has a Christmas look back at 2012 and looks forward to 2013. On the Islay Energy Trust blog we learn that the Sound of Islay Tidal Project has been awarded European Funding. Some Christmas related activities on the Our Learning Blog of Port Ellen Primary: There were Carols by Candle Light, the Islay Band Concert and of course the Nativity.
I've been reading Paul's Life at the end of the road for quite some time, I might have even mentioned his very interesting blog before. This week there's also some Islay interest on it, as he's done a stint on the MV Finlaggan while she's up north. Read about it in Back on the road again :-( (the MV Finlaggan bit is on the second half of the entry, but the rest is interesting as well).
From Colonsay we get to read about A winters morn at Colonsay International Airport... The Scottish Beer Guide tastes the Colonsay Brewery; Colonsay IPA. For Argyll writes SNH accused of costing Jura jobs.
Of course there's birdwatching and wildlife also at this time of year, Tom Wells of South Cumbria birds is on Islay for Christmas and he's also sharing his sighting with Ian at the Islay Birds blog. Here we can read about Malcolm being out to look for the ringed Whitefronts, Mary's and Natalie's Gruinart bird count as well as James' bird count numbers. John is back in action again with Twelve days of Christmas! The INHT blog points out Pair of Otters - Niall Colthart and Sea Eagle - Niall Colthart.
The pictures. Not many this week. Mark Unsworth's Image of the week is a frosted pontoon on a frozen loch. On the INHT blog we find the Scottish Salmon Photography Competition winner which shows Gigha with Jura in the background. From my own Islay Pictures photoblog I think I'll go for Kildalton Cross, Border Collie in Machir Bay and Dark Clouds over Machir Bay, Isle of Islay.
I think that's it for this week, I hope you'll find something interesting to read. The last Islay blogging roundup of the year will follow in a week. Good night for now.
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