—> 2013 —> Gigha Heritage Trust at 2012 SURF Awards

Disathairne, 19/Jan/2013

Gigha Heritage Trust at 2012 SURF Awards

Gigha Excursions written in stencil

Taking you over to Islay's neighbour Gigha today. Some slightly older news, but I thought still worth mentioning: The Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust recently won the Infrastructure and Regeneration category at the SURF Awards for Best Practice in Community Regeneration 2012 against tough competition. Two videos about their award, starting with an introduction of the trust:

YouTube: Isle of Gigha Heritage Trust

The second visit is from the awards dinner in Glasgow. You'll get to see the winners in the various categories, Gigha's turn is at just after 3:00 minutes:

YouTube: 2012 SURF Awards Presentation Dinner

Congratulations to the people of Gigha!

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