—> 2013 —> Another Basking Shark near Colonsay Video

Dimàirt, 19/Mar/2013

Another Basking Shark near Colonsay Video

Colonsay Excursions written in stencil

They can be seen in the waters around Islay at times, but somehow Colonsay seems to be the place to film Basking Sharks. Back in September I blogged about a video of Basking Sharks near Colonsay. Today I found another video of one of these huge animals:

Rare encounter with shark from Sean Henry on Vimeo.

On closer inspection I noticed both videos are from the same day. I'm not sure though if they were both filmed from the same boat, let alone if it was the same Basking Shark. Either way, I hope you'll enjoy this video as much as the other one.

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