—> 2014 —>

Didòmhnaich, 19/Jan/2014
Islay Blogging Roundup #279

Sunday afternoon has arrived, time to sit down with some nice homemade shortbread after a sunny local bird photography walk and take a look at the Islay mentions in the blogs this week. Again a number of interesting reads and pictures about/of Islay (and Jura), I hope you'll like some of them as well:
Not sure if they were Christmas presents, but there are a few Islay whisky posts around again: Nikolas from Finland (I think) writes Kilchoman Loch Gorm, Vintage 2007 ja 100% Islay 3rd Edition and Whisky for Everyone Have just tried - Bruichladdich Islay Barley 2007. Max tastes the Ardbeg 10 Year Single Malt and the whisky writer the Kilchoman 100% Islay (2nd Edition). Gal of Whisky Israel has been Tasting Port Charlotte PC10 while Jordan has a Whisky Review: Laphroaig Quarter Cask.
Following on from last week Ponder the Irrelevant has Travel Tuesday: Distillery Tour Continued (with the Islay bit at the end). Keeping to the theme of distillery visits, Heiko Blumentritt went on A visit to… Bruichladdich, the Whisky Gospel went on a Whisky Tour – Laphroaig Distillery
For visitors the Traveling Savage shares his Scotland Itinerary Ideas: Islay and Katies points out Eight amazing seaside spots on the Isle of Islay- advice from a local.
A few Laphroaig related entries following the Suntory acquisition, which inspired Tim into Looking into the ownership of Scotch whisky distilleries. Ron shares Laphroaig Distillery in Japanese Hands and the Whisky Advocate reports Suntory Bids For Beam. Josh from Sipology shares his thoughts in My Two Ounces: Suntory, Beam and Marketing and while he focuses on Bourbon a lot of what he says applies to Scotch as well.
I wrote about it yesterday, but for completeness the new Islay Energy Community Benefit Society website/blog, most recently with Update – new total after the IECBS Press Release earlier this week.
A Scottish Woodcrafter has done some beautiful work with an Islay theme described in Part Of Me. The big blog Scotland writes Jura toy library a lifeline to parents and children. This week's recipe on the Islay Kitchen blog is Chocolate Brownies. The Dower House crew reports from returning to Islay and Walking in the Rain.
On to the birdwatching and wildlife: The Islay Birds blog reports a Common Crane, shares the latest International Goose count numbers and has Bob's webs count numbers. After the Christmas and New Year holidays the RSPB blog is back with A new arrival and some great pictures from Upper Killeyan, The Oa explaining their work. On the INHT blog we find some Lichens in the sun. John Armitage comments on some Fascinating goose count figures! and has A good day spoiled in some respects. Kind of related Philippa announces the First Exhibition Dates for her Barnacle Geese exhibition.
To finish of course the pictures again: In Stormy Weather – More ‘Dreich’ Craig has some great shots, at least three I can identify to be from Islay. James Collett has Sonel’s Corner Photo-Editing Challenge – Trees and or Tree Trunks (taken at Ballygrant Loch) while Ron shares the Blue Lagoon. From my own Islay Pictures photoblog I've picked The most dangerous fence post on Islay, The north of the Sound of Islay and Kildalton Cross and church, Isle of Islay.
That's it for this week, I hope you found something you like.
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