—> 2015 —> VDUB VAN LIFE visits Islay

Diardaoin, 16/Jul/2015

VDUB VAN LIFE visits Islay

Islay on Video written in stencil

And missed out on Jura (at least for now). Theo and Bee have been travelling around Europe in their VW camper van for the last year, recently their journey took them to Islay. You can see some of their adventures on Islay (and hear why they unfortunately missed out on Jura this time) in this video:

YouTube: Van Life Video Blog - 5 Days on Islay

You can also read about their adventures on their website, so far in Coast (taking them from Arran to Islay) and Spotting Seals and irritating Terns. I think there might be another entry in the pipeline. Looks like they had a great time on Islay.

PS: In case you're wondering about the high price for the Jura ferry, unfortunately their van is the long wheel base model. This takes them over the 5m threshold triggering the higher price. They hope to return some other time though and visit Jura then.

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