-> 2007 -> Buses on Islay and Jura Video


Buses on Islay and Jura Video

Now this is a slightly unusual video, but to give you something to watch while I'm busy with finishing the Scotland Summer 2006 travelogue (the Morning in Bridgend, Islay page is well under way as I'm writing this) I thought I quickly post this. Dave and Mandy Spencer run PMP Transport Videos and recently visited Islay, filming a few buses on Islay and Jura on the way:

DirectIslayJuraBus (Islay and Jura are towards the end of the video, starting at approx 2:05 min)

They also have a blog, Dave and Mandy at PMP. There are three entries about their stay on Islay and Jura, several pictures of buses there as well:

That's all for now, back to the travelogues...



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