-> 2007 -> Friday Islay Picture (15)

Friday, 15/Jun/2007

Friday Islay Picture (15)

Dear Reader (yes, that's you), You will have to be strong now: After 14 Friday Islay Pictures there probably won't be one next week. Probably also not the week after. After several months of pretty much daily updates about all things Islay there probably won't be many, if any, entries for the next 2 weeks.

‘Why?’, I hear you ask, ‘Why are you not going to post anything? Why are you doing this to us?’ Here's why:

Picture of a LOLcat with a message that 'I IZ NOW ON HOLIDAYZ'

Yes, later today I will be leaving for Islay again. I don't know yet if I will be posting anything while I'm on Islay this time. There might be a few ‘postcards from Islay’, there might not. I don't want to promise anything I might not be able to keep.

My parents and my sister will join me for part of the time, they have a much higher priority than blogging. I also hope to meet as many old and new friends as possible, I'm looking forward to seeing you on Islay!

But there's enough for you to read while I'm away: There are over 300 entries in the 2006 and 2007 archives. Or try the Favourites and Frequent Topics for some reading about specific topics. A few entries I'd like to point out though, some upcoming events etc:

Not to forget my Isle of Islay pages with many many more pictures. There are also reports from all my visits to Islay among the My holidays / travelogues pages. And almost finished but not listed there yet is my Islay Walking Week 2007 travelogue. I had hoped to complete it before I left, but it wasn't meant to be.

I will take my camera with me, so expect a lot of new pictures and impressions after my return. After finishing the WalkIslay 2007 travelogue (I know, I know...) there will be another travelogue from this visit.

Oh, and if you're wondering about the cat and the strange spelling and grammar: This is a Lolcat, the latest craze to sweep through the interweb. I thought I use one to get the message accross.

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