-> 2007 ->

Monday, 10/Dec/2007
Happy Birthday, Mutti!

If you were expecting some news, pictures or links from Islay here today I'm afraid I will have to largely disappoint you on this occasion. While all my readers are important to me there is one particular VIR who is that little bit more important. Quite possibly she was my first reader on this blog. And without her you wouldn't be reading this anyway. I think you can guess who this special reader is: My mother. And today's entry is for her:
Happy birthday Mutti! Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag auch hier noch einmal! Alles Gute und was man noch so wünscht! Ich hoffe Euer Abendessen heute war ein Genuss, ebenso wie Euer kleiner Urlaub.
There are a few people on Islay who have met her during her visits in July 2003, April 2004 and June 2007. I think some of them might even be reading this blog, I hope you will join me in wishing her a happy birthday.
Well, that's all I can and want to say here and in public, everything else will be said and celebrated offline. I hope my other readers will excuse this little excursion. More proper Islay content tomorrow, I'm planning to post more Islay Hotel, Port Ellen pictures with the latest progress.
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