-> 2007 -> Islay Car Sticker in London

Saturday, 22/Dec/2007

Islay Car Sticker in London

Picture of a rusty brown old Renault R4

Last night my German London correspondent sent me a picture of a car. A rusty old Renault R4. If my information is correct first registered in 1974. Hold on, I hear you say: What does this have to do with Islay? To which I say, look again. Or read the title of the entry again. All will become clear and the connection to Islay will become apparent. Let's take a closer look:

Picture of an Islay sticker on the rear window of a car

Yes, it's sporting one of the ‘ISLAY...and it's goodbye to care!’ stickers. I'm not sure if they are still being produced now, I've got one on my current car as well which I bought in 2001. I'll need to see what sticker I'll put on my new car which I should get in January.

I'm not entirely sure, but I believe the ‘and it's goodbye to care’ line is a reference to Westering Home, a song about Islay.

PS: I wonder if the owner is an Ileach, has visited Islay or has just inherited the sticker when he/she bought the car?

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