-> 2008 ->

Sunday, 14/Dec/2008
Islay Blogging Roundup #59

Suddenly it's Sunday evening, time for the Islay blogging roundup. It's been a busy weekend playing with my ‘new Islay toy’, my Islay Pictures - Pictures from the Isle of Islay, Scotland photoblog. Might still require a tiny wee bit of tweaking here and there, but in general I'm quite happy with the setup. But enough of my new blog, what have all the other blogs been writing about Islay this week?
The tragic road accident with three deaths on Islay was still being felt in the blogs: A large chunk of Ron's Islay News Roundup First Half December 2008 was dedicated to it. The Bruichladdich Blog wrote a moving account of the Funeral. The Islay Birds blog writes about how the community will rally round and do its best while John Armitage mentions the families remaining in everyones thoughts. Even Takeshi in Japan mentions it.
It is difficult to move on from these accounts, but it's also now time to look to the future:
After a long time IslayIan has taken a short break from twittering and written a new entry on the Islay ICT blog: Vision of Education in the year 2020? is asking for contributions on the Education2020 Wiki.
On the birdwatching side the Islay Birds blog mentions the dreaded Fulmars (they usually ‘predict’ bad weather) and a busy bird table. John Islay Birder Armitage reports of a debates about releases of White-tailes Eagles (not on Islay though) and another Goose count. Teresa Morris of Islay Wildscapes writes another guest entry on Ron's blog, Islay Seasonwatch - Pale Bellied Brent Geese.
Recent visitors to Islay include of all of me: Castle on a cloud and Todd Keith at Thicket Magazine writing about Travels in Scotland (which included a visit to Islay).
Elliott has a few updates at Islay Sea Shipping: Somehow I missed the Islay Ferry Service updates, but more recent is the picture of the Shetland Trader.
Some quick whisky and beer updates: The Bruichladdich Blog has news about Coull Yields. A Japanese blog writes about Islay Ales Nerabus Ale. And Coinneach Shanks from Dublin writes about Whisky and Ice (no, not what you might think). Oh, and guest blogger ‘swisshank’ at Tom's ardblog writes Bruichladdich goes sexy
Now I started this Islay blogging roundup writing about pictures, so I'm also going to finish it writing about pictures: Mirko Herzner continues his photographic journey around Islay and Jura, among others with pictures of Carraig Fhada lighthouse and cask at the Isle of Jura distillery. The Bondbloke at Photogenic Scotland has started a countdown to Islay: Countdown to Islay 9, Countdown to Islay 8, Countdown to Islay 7 and latest Countdown to Islay 6.
And that's it for this week. Well, almost. Before I can sit down with a wee dram of Islay Single Malt and some Islay Whisky Honey Chocolate Truffles there has to be the mention of the Scottish Roundup: This week with Save Gordon, Save the World!
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