-> 2009 -> Bowmore Islay Distillery Boiler Movie - Part 5

Thursday, 22/Jan/2009

Bowmore Islay Distillery Boiler Movie - Part 5

My original plan was to post an older Islay video I only just discovered today, but then an even older video appeared quicker than I had expected again: After watching the drama starting to unfold in Bowmore Islay Distillery Boiler Movie - Part 4 we can now watch the fifth (and final) video of the Bowmore distilleries new boiler's journey to Islay in 1964. Suffice to say it wasn't easy...


A slight change in tone in this part, Tim Morrison of Bowmore distillery takes over the narrator role and explains what happens after the lowloader truck with the boiler gets stuck in the sea. The effort and the teamwork by the Navy team and the people from Islay over a week is quite amazing. And there is a happy end!

Thanks again to Bowmoredistillers for sharing this, at least for me it was fascinating to watch! I'm sure others will agree. I've taken the freedom to add the final episode to the Islay Bowmore Boiler Distillery Journey playlist as well.

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