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Wednesday, 18/Mar/2009
Two Quick Islay Links
Extremely busy at work at the moment with frequent long days doesn't give me much time to research detailed entries about the various Islay related topics I'd like to write about. Today was another long day, meaning I'm running rather late this evening. So what am I going to do today to bring you something new about Islay? Send you away to two Islay websites. Well, one Islay website and one Islay related shop in eBay:
The latest edition of the Ileach has an update from Dave Protherough, mentioning an unsightly incident of fly tipping on Jura he helped to clean up and a reminder of the upcoming Spring Clean Islay Week. Reading this reminded me of the link to Re-JIG, the Recycle - Jura / Islay Group, which is managed by David. There is a lot of information about recycling on Islay and Re-JIG's work on the website, well worth a visit.
Rob at the The Whisky Guy Blog yesterday wrote A Cure for Your Ales, about the Islay Ales brewery. Which gives me a good enough excuse to mention the Islay Ales eBay shop. No beer available through it (not sure if you're allowed to sell alcohol intended for consumption on eBay? I've noticed all the whisky auctions are always for ‘collectables’), but you can get various Islay Ales branded merchandise. Not only that, if you're not into beer but in music you'll find CDs by Norma Munro and Paul Hathaway.
That's all. Good night!
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