-> 2009 ->

Saturday, 21/Mar/2009
Hebridean Princess on Islay and Colonsay
Over on the continent many people with an interest in Islay and hopefully many others as well will have watched Das Whisky-Geheimnis von Islay or Islay, le secret du whisky this evening. Apart that I don't have a television anyway to my knowledge Arte isn't available here in the UK, so we have to make our own entertainment. For me that meant looking at pictures of a regular visitor to Islay, Jura and Colonsay:

The visitor in question is the Hebridean Princess, owned and run by Hebridean International Cruises. She is a fairly regular visitor to Islay, here's a picture of her in Port Ellen at the end of February.

I've seen her on Colonsay in 2003, a very nice ship. Looking down into it from the Islay ferry wee could see an interesting feature: two small tenders to ferry passengers over to small piers if the Hebridean Princess can't land herself, for example at Craighouse on Jura. As far as I can remember there were also bikes and various other equipment available.
The Hebridean Princess started her career as the MacBrayne ferry Columba in 1964 before changing name in 1989. You might also notice that she looks much darker on the pictures from Colonsay, that's because she changed colours recently. Here's another of her in black, the picture already linked above shows her in a lighter blue.

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