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Tuesday, 24/Nov/2009
Bowmore Shoreline Project Public Consultation

For a moment I was undecided if I should put this under the header Islay News or Islay Events, in the end I decided events was more appropriate: Regular readers might remember the Bowmore Shoreline Project on Islay and Bowmore Regeneration x 2 entries from the last few months. They both were about the Shoreline Project for Bowmore initiated by Islay Estates. After going public with the idea the project now moves into the next stage, an initial public consultation.

From what I understand the main purpose of the public consultation is to gather input from the residents of Bowmore in particular but also Islay in general about what they would like to see happening and developing with the project. The goal is to involve as many people as possible at an early stage and build on their ideas and views when developing the proposals:
The main consultation sessions are open to all. They will be held at the Council’s Service Point, Jamieson Street, Bowmore from 10.30am-12.30pm on Friday 27 November and from 10am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4.30pm on Saturday 28th November.
There will also be a session at the High School on Friday 27th November where 5th and 6th year students will participate in a discussion exploring factors which should shape developments at the Project site and how it can relate to the existing village. The school session will not be open to the public.
To me this looks like a great opportunity for people to make their voices heard and influence the future proposals before work on drafting them begins. For the students at Islay High School I guess it will be an excellent opportunity to apply some of the things they've learned. Those unable to attend can also submit their feedback via the Urban Animation homepage (there's an e-mail link on the page, which can also be used for general questions about the project).
Following the input received during the consultation sessions work on draft development proposals by Urban Animation will commence and then be submitted to Argyll & Bute Council for consideration in the local development plan. From there I think it will still be a long journey for the development, assuming it does go ahead. To be continued…
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