-> 2010 -> Friday Islay Picture #161 - Lagavulin Distillery from the Pier

Dihaoine, 13/Aug/2010

Friday Islay Picture #161 - Lagavulin Distillery from the Pier

Friday Islay Picture in stencil

Sometimes I have to think for quite a while which picture to pick for the Friday Islay picture, sometimes it's very easy and quick. Today is a day for the latter. Having mentioned the Lagavulin Fundraisers just yesterday in connection with the Three Isles Classic Pillage I didn't have to think long. Now I'm not entirely sure how many of them actually work for the distillery, but as the distillery is the key feature of the village this picture was the one which came to mind:

Picture of Lagavulin distillery seen from the pier

It's a slightly older picture, but then again I took it almost exactly four years ago on the 14th of August 2006. In any case, I don't think much, if anything, has changed in this view since.

It's probably not a big secret that I sometimes struggle with the decisions and actions taken by the parent company for Lagavulin distillery, but I'd like to use this opportunity to point out that this doesn't extend to their employees on Islay. I've met several of them over the years and think they are great people. I hope they know that, but I wanted to put that in writing as well.

With that thought I'm going to close for tonight, as usual I will post a larger version of the picture on the Islay Pictures photoblog on Saturday morning. Until then, good night!

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