-> 2011 ->

Disathairne, 02/Apr/2011
New Islay panorama, Doodilmore River & Eas Lathan Waterfall

Right, I think quite a few of you will know the drill by now: If at all possible I upload a new Islay or Jura panorama every Saturday. Last weekend I posted a view from Mala Bholsa panorama, today we stay in the area, both places are actually in sight of each other:

As usual the preview above is far too small, but I hope big enough to get you interested to click on the link for the panorama of a view over Doodilmore River and Eas Lathan Waterfall in the north of Islay. You even get to see Mala Bholsa in the distance, not to forget Colonsay, Oronsay and Mull. The main feature is of course the river and waterfall. This one was taken in June 2010 after a dry spell, I think I need to return some other time to see it in full spate.
I hope you enjoy this week's Islay panorama. I have no idea yet what next week's panorama will be, but I'm confident I'll find something.
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