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Diardaoin, 29/Sep/2011
Göran Ingman's Islay and Jura Pictures

Late last week a few journalists visited Islay and Jura, as part of an initiative by Visit Scotland I believe. One of them was the Resejournalist Göran Ingman from Sweden. He took a few nice pictures, which he published on Göran Ingman's flickr photostream today:

You can find his Islay pictures by going to those tagged ‘islay’ and the Jura ones accordingly are those tagged ‘jura’. On Islay their main activity was with Rachel MacNeill's Wild and Magic Islay, where they went on a peat cutting workshop and a well earned picnic. Those scones look very appealing, especially when served from this stylish picnic hamper. It looks quite old to me, unfortunately I doubt they make them like these any more. I don't know if these two belonged to the group somehow, they certainly travelled in style.
On Jura they mainly visited the Jura Music Festival, but also had time for a nice rainbow over the bay.
I guess we'll better watch out for Islay and Jura mentions in the international press now…
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