-> 2011 -> Back from October Islay Holidays

Diluain, 31/Oct/2011

Back from October Islay Holidays

Islay Pictures in stencil

The video will be completed within the next few weeks, for now I'm back from my latest Islay visit with a few pictures. It was a bit damp at times (road floodings and the like…), but there were also some very nice sunny intervals. I met a few of the usual suspects who often visit at the same time and generally had a great time. Of course there were Whooper Swans and Barnacle Geese:

Picture of Whooper Swans in a field with Barnacle Geese lifting off in the background

There were also quite a few Starlings around, as well as a cow:

Picture of a cow surrounded by Starlings

In total I think I spent almost a full day on the beaches, some of it in Saligo Bay, but mostly Machir Bay:

Picture of a view of Machir Bay from the dunes

One of the reasons was a landboarder, which I watched and filmed extensively. First views of the footage are promising, so expect a video of the action some time over the next week or two:

Picture of a landboarder in action on a beach

Last and by no means least I paid two visits to the recently reopened Islay Hotel in Port Ellen, more about that over the next few days. For now another view of the bar, a nice place to relax:

Picture of the bar of the Islay hotel in Port Ellen

Some more pictures (in case you haven't seen them yet) can be found on my Islay posterous account tagged with islay_october2011. I will post larger versions of the above pictures on the Islay Pictures photoblog over the next few days, more will follow over the coming weeks and months. While I realised that I still need to learn and experiment a lot how to do them well I managed to take a few Islay night sky pictures I'm reasonably happy with. Two or three of them will hopefully appear on the photoblog over the next few weeks.

Then there's of course the video: To start with I'm aiming to edit and post a video of the landboarder in Machir Bay over the next week or two. By the end of the month I'm aiming to have the extended cut of the Islay holidays in October video online.

I hope that gives you something to look forward to after the break here.

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