—> 2012 —> Short Islay Star Gazing Video

Disathairne, 24/Mar/2012

Short Islay Star Gazing Video

Islay on Video written in stencil

Hadn't really planned to post a video tonight, but then I came across a nice but short video I'm quite confident at least some folks on Islay will like. The video will also join the unofficial Shortest Islay Video Ever competition as tied first with only 6 short (but very nice) seconds. Star gazing in Bowmore:

Islay Star Gazing from Alastair Taylor on Vimeo.

Alastair wasn't lucky enough to get a proper clear night, but I still like what he managed to capture. I hope people who like to have a late picnic at Saligo Bay or spend their nights photographing the Kildalton Cross and the American Monument at night will like it as well.

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