—> 2012 —> The Story of Kilchoman Islay Single Malt Cask 95

Disathairne, 28/Apr/2012

The Story of Kilchoman Islay Single Malt Cask 95

Islay on Video written in stencil

Mark Unsworth of Islay Studios has done quite a lot of work for and with Kilchoman over the last few years. Recently he's published another video filmed at Islay's youngest distillery, I hope you'll enjoy it while sipping on a wee dram of Islay whisky (ideally Kilchoman of course):

Cask 95 from mark unsworth on Vimeo.

That's all I've got for tonight. I'm working on another Islay video of my own at the moment, covering a beach not far from here. In fact, one of the whiskies of Kilchoman distillery has been named after it. If all goes well I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow, but no promises whatsoever. If it doesn't go well I hope to finish it latest next weekend.

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