—> 2012 —> The Search for the Islay Wallaby Revisited

Dimàirt, 09/Oct/2012

The Search for the Islay Wallaby Revisited

Islay Fun in stencil

Another video, but I just couldn't pass on this. And it's far too short, I hope to be able to see the full version some time, be it online, be it in a cinema. Back in April I wrote Remember the Wallaby on Islay? about Alasdair's attempts to uncover the story behind the mystery of the Wallaby found on Islay back in 2004. A trailer of the documentary is now available:

Screenshot of a video window

The video hasn't been made available for embedding, so go to Bridging the Gap: Men | In Search of the Wallaby - Trailer on Vimeo to watch the 53 seconds trailer. Very intriguing I think. A tiny bit more information is available on the In Search of the Wallaby page on the Scottish Documentary Institute website and on the corresponding page on the strange films website. Not sure if there are any upcoming screenings anywhere in the UK and in particular on Islay.

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