—> 2013 —> Islay's Big Strand on the move (video)

Diluain, 19/Aug/2013

Islay's Big Strand on the move (video)

Islay on Video written in stencil

Yes, beaches move. Sometimes slowly, sometimes a bit faster. In tonight's video the Big Strand seems to be moving rather quick. The video is quite short and of fairly low quality (as in low resolution), but I still feel it really brings the conditions they experienced across:

YouTube: Islay beach June 2013

I've experienced similar conditions in Machir Bay and I think to a lesser extent in Saligo Bay. Quite a sight I think. Only annoying side effect is that you get sandblasted walking in it, the sand gets absolutely everywhere and still is in your clothes and shoes several days later. Still, a small price to pay.

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