—> 2014 —> Moody Islay storm video

Disathairne, 22/Feb/2014

Moody Islay storm video

Islay on Video written in stencil

Right, better pour yourself a wee dram and dress warm. It's going to get wet and wild and dark and moody. Dutch/Australian/Swedish filmmaker Bart van der Gaag filmed and edited (I think there's quite a bit of filtering and/or tone mapping and/or whatever else is necessary to create the effects going on) this video of the winter storms on Islay:

Islay from Bart van der Gaag on Vimeo.

Away from Islay Bart had two videos picked as Vimeo staff picks, autumn by the lake and Two Fifty Three Kelvin. He also has some views on Scottish independence: Bart Van Der Gaag (Filmmaker): “I Believe In People’s Right To Rule Themselves”.

Fingers crossed Bart can snag another Vimeo staff pick with this video, otherwise he'll hopefully return to Islay for another take. He doesn't seem to be into happy and bright summer videos though, so expect more wild and moody Islay if he returns…

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