—> 2014 —>

Disathairne, 15/Mar/2014
The Visit Scotland Islay video

It has already been shared all over the place and I assume 93.8% of you have already watched it, but then again I can't really not give it its own entry here. So after telling you yesterday to head over to YouTube to watch it here is the VisitScotland ‘Islay Brilliant Island Moments’ spot also on this blog:
YouTube: Islay Brilliant Island Moments
The couple featured in the video, Rosie and Andrew Woodhouse from Skye, are photographers and have some nice pictures mainly from their home on Landscapes 365 (and on their @landscapes365 Twitter account). Hopefully lots of Islay pictures will soon find their way into their gallery as well. They certainly seem to have enjoyed their visit and working with the film crews.
The spot is part of the Scotland - A land of Brilliant Moments campaign, I don't know if/when it will run again, but it did run on the television last night. Watch out for Islay on your television again!
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