—> 2014 —> Islay Whisky inspired music by DarkSkye

Disathairne, 03/May/2014

Islay Whisky inspired music by DarkSkye

Islay Music in stencil

Thought I should do a music Saturday again, among other things because I'm listening to the Tom Robinson Show on BBC 6 Music again, my favourite programme for some time now. Not a lot of Islay related music on that despite Tom playing some great stuff, so I'm resorting to a French band I came across on YouTube recently. I don't know much about them, but it seems their music is single malt whisky inspired, in particular Islay single malt:

YouTube: DarkSkye - Elements of Islay

YouTube: DarkSkye - Laphroaigue

YouTube: Darkskye - Octomore

For more from them you can find them as DarkSkye on SoundCloud. It's not really my style of music, but some of you might like it, so I thought it's worth sharing.

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