—> 2014 —>

Diluain, 26/May/2014
Islay Blogging Roundup #295

The bank holiday weekend here in the UK is now coming to an end, I'm back from a great weekend visiting friends in Wales (although the journey to get there was a disaster). Despite having been in Wales there was still a bit of Islay involved, as I had a bottle of Bruichladdich Port Charlotte 10 which my hosts brother and me enjoyed. As promised some Islay blogging tonight in the form of the Islay blogging roundup:
With Feis Ile under way a few whisky and festival related entries: Three peated Bruichladdichs were tasted by Still Dramming. The Spellers celebrate Feis Ile 2014 - Bruichladdich day in their own way. Gordon tells us a Tale of Two Laphroaigs……. while Whiskynotes from Belgium had the Ardbeg 21yo P.X. (Darkness!). Also from Sweden Daniel har smakat på PC11.
The Whisky Tasting Club has a special blog, WTC go to Islay Festival, 2014, so far they've written the announcement WTC go to the Islay Festival, 2014 and Saturday 24th, Lagavulin Day.
Not entirely sure where this fits under, so I leave it on its own: Daniel Boey claims BLACK is the new black. A special Islay kind of black. Art.
A quick sports interlude: Tim shares his report from the Jura Fell race 2014. Impressive feats.
On to the visits: Herby went on a Road Trip: The Isle of Islay (on the way she also enjoyed a meal at The Anchor, Tarbert Loch Fyne). Miss Whisky proclaims Islay: An Ideal Island after her visit. Juha from Finland writes about his Islay visit. Margareta from Sweden was on some kind of cruise (I'm not entirely sure which) and writes Hur man skaffar sig nya och dyra vanor - men det får inte bli en vana as well as Sista turen.
The IECBS announces the IECBS Inaugural AGM while the IET blogs points out Islay’s Community Wind Project Raises £1.27 Million. Becky announced her Weekly Welly Walk. The Our Learning Blog of Port Ellen Primary tells us they are Learning About Explorers and what they did on Our Eco Grounds Day. Ron shares his Update on the South Islay Distilleries Path and the Bruichladdich blog reports about The Applecross Boatpull Team.
Of course there was birdwatching and wildlife: The Islay Birds blog has pictures of a Sedge Warbler at Gruinart and a Cuckoo at Easter Ellister, there were also mentions of a Red Necked Phalarope and a variety of bird sightings. The RSPB Islay blog launched the RSPB Islay staff photography competition 2014 as well as shows pictures from Out on the wiley, windy moor…. Also, And now for something stoatally different…
To round it all off the pictures: James Collett shares Knockangle Point, Islay at Sunset. From my own Islay Pictures photoblog I've picked Cliffs on the Oa in 1999, Laphroaig distillery from the evening ferry to Islay and Bunnahabhain and the Wyre Majestic, Isle of Islay.
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