—> 2014 —> comes to Islay

Diciadain, 10/Sep/2014 comes to Islay

Islay Events written in stencil

An interesting event will take place on Islay in just over a week, especially for all the daredevils young (well, older than 12 years) and old. As part of the 25th anniversary celebrations of the Mactaggart Leisure Centre one the main attractions will be a visit of the airbag of The AirBag.Net. To give you an idea what to expect here's a promo video I found:

YouTube: TheAirBag.Net Promo

The celebrations will take place on Saturday 20/Sep/2014 on the Bowmore Playing Fields from 12:00 - 17:00. Unfortunately the minimum age for TheAirBag.Net is 12 years (probably leaving a few youngsters disappointed), but there will also be other attractions like Body Zorbs, bike work shops, electrics bikes, BBQ and more.

Before I close for today another video of TheAirBag.Net in action. As there won't be any snowboarding on Islay this will probably be closer to how it will look next week:

YouTube: MBUK take on

I hope everyone will have a lot of fun and that there will be plenty of pictures and videos from the stunts…

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