-> 2007 ->
Port Charlotte Primary (Islay) On The Web
Islay's various schools are quite active on the web, as mentioned in a number of previous entries (e.g. 31/Aug/2006: Islay's Teachers are Blogging or 28/Feb/2007: Islay Schools, ICT, IT and Blogs). Port Charlotte Primary on the Rinns of Islay already had a blog for quite a while, the Port Charlotte Primary Blog. Now it also has a school website:
The Port Charlotte Primary School website gives a nice overview of the school. There's a tour of the school, the view from the school hall is quite impressive. My school certainly didn't have such a nice view. There's also information about the School Board, a calendar and a variety of other information.
To reflect all this I've added an Islay schools websites and blogs section to my Islay links page. Suggestions for further additions welcome!
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