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Wednesday, 13/Jun/2007
Rain and Rainbows on Islay

Recently Ron wrote an entry The beauty of rain on Islay, saying as much as Islay is beautiful and magic even in the rain, if I interpret his entry correctly. I don't know if I really buy into that. I don't know how much rain Ron has really experienced on Islay, but I think I've experienced my fair share of rain on Islay, even though I typically visit during the drier times of the year. I'd say Islay can be pretty horrible in the rain, especially if it not only rains for an hour, but for a day, or two, or three or a week. Some people have experienced their rainy hell on Islay. And looking at some of my pictures Islay doesn't look that pretty in the rain either, it looks as bland as anywhere.
Now you could argue, ‘there is no bad weather, there are only the wrong clothes’. Well, yes. And no. I've been walking in torrential rain on Islay. Was it fun? Well, it was nice because of the people, the effort they made, the banter we had while plodding through the rain. But was it magic? No, not really. It was wet and cold and horrible, even though we did have the appropriate clothes and gear.
Sure, Islay isn't a worse place than other places in the rain, after all there is enough to do on a rainy day on Islay. But I wouldn't say it's magic either. Let's be realistic here, as much as we like Islay, it isn't such a magical place that everything is perfect. Let's be honest, it can be quite dire if you pick the wrong time with the wrong weather.
I have to agree with Ron on one point though, Islay is a great place to take pictures of rainbows:

(Biggerise the rainbow picture)
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