-> 2007 ->
Wednesday, 05/Dec/2007
Islay Birdwatching Travelogues
Another busy day at work and having to do my shopping lead to another short and late Islay blogging entry. Ah, well, it will get better again and I'll find more time for blogging. And my Islay travelogues. Until then I'll just send you to some other Islay birdwatching travelogues. Here are two reports from birdwatching visits to Islay recently:
The first is the Islay Birding Trip Report 2007 on Fraser's Birding Website. A very detailed report with a huge amount of information and also some pictures. If this looks partly familiar to some readers then there's a reason for it: In early November I had already linked to Fraser's Birding Blog: Isle of Islay with Ayrshire SOC Touring.
The second one is also a partial repeat, but for those not interested in Islay Blogging Roundups but only in Islay Birdwatching I thought this one is worth pointing out again. And it isn't a blog anyway: Richard Chew wildlife photographer posted two updates on the Wild About Britain forum: Trip to Islay and Otter encounter.
Oh, and as we're on the topic of Islay and birdwatching, there's one more thing: I had originally planned to wait until the next Islay blogging roundup, but might as well mention it now in this context. Jeremy Hastings of Islay Birding has just joined the ranks of the bloggers with Islay Birding News.
Good night, hopefully more Islay blogging tomorrow.
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