-> 2008 -> Kilchoman Islay Distillery Panoramas

Monday, 07/Jul/2008

Kilchoman Islay Distillery Panoramas

In last night's Islay Blogging Roundup I mentioned two panoramas I had added to my Islay Distillery Panoramas collection. I had hoped to add another one today, but that didn't turn out to my satisfaction so I decided against it. Only two new panoramas then, both of Kilchoman Distillery on the west coast of Islay.

Picture of a panorama of a farm distillery (Kilchoman distillery on Islay)

The first one is a Quicktime VR panorama of Kilchoman Distillery on the west coast of Islay. It takes in most of the distillery as seen from the yard, come to think of it, I think it's actually all of it. Not too difficult considering it is only a tiny farm distillery.

There is a little ‘funny’ quirk in the panorama. It wasn't intended when I took the pictures for it, but I think gives it a nice little special touch. I'll let you find what I mean.

Picture of a panorama of the still house of a farm distillery (Kilchoman distillery on Islay)

The second goes into a bit more detail, it is a Quicktime VR panorama of a view into the still house at Kilchoman distillery. There's a tiny detail in it which didn't work as intended. Or did it and the whisky played me a little trick? Again I'll let you find what I'm talking about...

Oh, there's a corresponding Two weeks on Islay in June 2007 travelogue page as well: Kilchoman and Bruichladdich Distilleries, Islay. The third panorama I was talking about above is the one of Bruichladdich distillery, you still get to see it in small on the page though.

I hope you like them, there won't be any more panoramas for a few weeks now. More about that over the next few days.

The CD entertaining my ears while my eyes were feasting on the Islay distillery panoramas was: The Smiths - The World Won't Listen

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