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Tuesday, 28/Apr/2009
Islay Hotel in April

It's been a while since my last update about the Islay Hotel in Port Ellen, if I'm not mistaken the last entry was the Islay Hotel Progress entry from late February. During my recent visit to Islay I visited the hotel twice, the first visit I mentioned in the My Day On Islay entry. That day it was fairly cloudy while I was in Port Ellen, so I returned a week later on a sunny day for some more pictures. The pictures in this entry are all from the Saturday, my last day on Islay.

At first glance from the front there hasn't been much progress over the last few months with only minor change. But that couldn't be further from the truth. A lot of progress has been made mainly inside:

During my first visit Roland gave me a quick tour of the interior and explained some of the progress and features. Unfortunately my timing had been slightly wrong and a lot of rooms had been filled with insulation material waiting for installation just a few days before, so taking pictures was limited.
The wiring is pretty much complete, you can see some of the cables in the picture on the left. The red cable I think is for the (fire) alarm system, I assume it has to be on a separate circuit to the ‘normal’ electrical and other systems.
Parts of the piping had been completed as well, Roland mentioned two interesting features: The drains are some kind of special pipes with double walls (?), it helps to ‘soundproof’ them. Therefore you shouldn't hear the water running down through them if someone flushes the toilet or uses the sink in the middle of the night.
There are two pipes for the water supply: One normal with drinking water for the sinks and showers, as well as a second one for the toilets. This one uses water from the bore holes for the geothermal heating. The reasoning is that you don't need drinking water to flush a toilet and that you don't have to pay water rates for this water. Saves money.

From the back you can actually see how much progress was made even from the outside, it looks almost complete from this side. The area where you can still see the red bricks is the area where the ‘extension’ for the restaurant will go. The bar will be on the left and seating on the right, the toilets in the basement on the right.
Over the next week or two I'm planning to add two more panoramas (front and back) to the Islay Hotel Port Ellen Panoramas collection, watch this space for updates.
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